spa and salon supplies, Promotions, April promotions

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April Promotions: The Long Wait Is Over

It’s April. Yes, it’s the time of year everyone’s been waiting for. Dragons take flight, political back-stabbing begins, and no character is ever safe. Winter isn’t over! Winter is coming.

Not a fan of Game of Thrones as it ramps up its fourth season this weekend? Oh well. We guess spring finally arriving is kind of a big deal, too. It has been a pretty rough winter, with multiple “Storms of the Century,” as well as seriously yo-yoing temperatures. It’ll be nice to have some consistency—you know, to assume it’s not 35 degrees today after being 72 yesterday. For real.

Of course, with great weather comes great responsibility. Professional spas and salons brace for the influx that comes with sunny skies, as folks prepare to get purty for their Spring Breaks and whatnot. It’s funny how nails, bikini lines, and hairstyles become important again as folks start to stick their heads outside. Even when it comes to Spring Breaks, it’s important not to make any style mistakes—or even worse, mistakes like this.

If you read our blog, you know exactly where we’re going: it’s promotions time. We’re featuring Roll Cotton, Cotton Naturelles™, and Pillowettes™—tiny pillows for your face!—as this month’s main promotions. These cottony classics are perfect for this time of year. Be sure to check out our full slate of promotions. And have no fear: beach time is right around the corner. Of course, for some folks, beach time has already started. (You know, since filming has wrapped.)

Topics:   spa and salon supplies, Promotions, April promotions